Psychiatrist Appointments: Top Tips


If you have recently been referred to a psych doctor, you will want to make sure you get the most out of every session with them. A psychiatrist can help you to overcome mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, OCD and eating disorders. Read on to find out more. Prepare for each session Before each session, you may benefit from carrying out a little preparation. This could take the form of contemplating how you have been feeling in the period since you last saw the psych doctor, making a list of things you want to discuss or writing down a list of questions you wish to ask.

27 November 2020

Can Graded Exposure Therapy Help You Become Less Anxious?


If you find it hard to control your anxiety, then you may have reached the stage where you want professional help. A therapist or counsellor can help you identify and overcome anxiety problems. While this kind of therapy can take different forms, some counsellors offer graded exposure therapy as part of their services. How does this work and what are the benefits of trying it? How Does Graded Exposure Therapy Work?

25 June 2020